
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions" - (Wikipedia, 2007)

04 December 2007

OCD designs

Some designs for OCD by Marc Owens...found on the MTeriors blog, Very interesting designs which would aid OCD sufferers.

A light switch which counts the nuber or times it is switched...typical OCD trait

A Frame which encorporates a spirit get that "just right" feeling...

A scrubbinh brush which uses a magnifying glass to achieve that perfect clean!

08 November 2007

OCD forums

I am now members of three OCD forums, Have had a number of responses to my request for help/info. Now in contact (via email) with three people who are sharing their experiences of OCD and helping me with research!

The forums are...

06 November 2007

Some interesting hygiene facts

  • One of the most germ ridden places in public is the ground floor button of a lift.
  • 30% of womens handbags contain 100million particles of faecal matter per square inch (from placing on toilet cubicle floor)
  • 26,000 microbes are on every square inch of a mobile handset
  • Womens toilets are more contaminated than mens - with teh middle cubicle being the most infected.
  • Swimming pools are laced with Sweat, Urine, Mucus, Saliva, Hair, Faecal Matter, Dead Skin
  • 85% of public toilets are cleaner than average kitchen worktop in britain.
  • Toilet bowls contain 49 bacteria per square inch - compared to 20,961 per square inch in an office.

05 November 2007

Section from my project proposal

Personal Statement/ Philosophy

I am interested in all aspects of design and being a designer, however I am particularly interested in design for function (how design can make everyday/mundane tasks become easier and sometimes more enjoyable) and I strongly believe that form should follow function. I am especially interested in design for public spaces and how users interact with these spaces. I am inspired by designs which are so simple yet incredibly effective; for example those which aim to change the users lifestyle routines for the better. One particular designers style which I aspire to is Yves Behar, I think his designs are incredibly stylish, modern, and very unique.

My ambition is to produce a really strong project for my honours year and graduate with a grade which reflects this. I hope after university I can find employment in a design based company, working within a team of designers, perhaps in the medical field.

Project Aims and Outlines

For my Honours project I have decided to look into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), A neurotic disorder in which the person displays and/or complains of either obsessions or compulsions (or both) to a degree that affects his or her everyday functioning or causes him or her distress. In particular i will look at how design can help sufferers of the mental illness. The reason why I chose this particular subject is because I didn’t know very much about the illness and its effects, and I wanted a project where I had no preconceived ideas about the final design from the outset.

The final outcome should aim to alleviate any stress that sufferers of OCD experience (More than two thirds of OCD patients suffer from depression (Montgomery, Zohar, 1999)) and act as an aid to the routines which many sufferers perform hundreds of times a day.

I shall begin by undertaking primary research, contacting Aberdeen’s OCD sufferers support group, Posting out questionnaires and also contacting the two major online OCD charities directly.
Secondary research will consist of reading key texts from the library, this being books and journals and also making use of the internet to explore past research about OCD.
Concept development will begin when I have some high-quality research material, both primary and secondary, and when a specific problem area within OCD has been located.

Project so far...

Just a recap on all the things i have explored since the beginning of the project...

OCD and what its about - What is it? Who suffers from it? Why people suffer from it?
Can it be cured? How can it be cured?

I have looked at case studies from books/internet/press

I have also looked into Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Panic attacks. - Are they related to OCD? Why?

I posted a questionnaire to Occupational therapy students and Nursing students- 32 replies, very useful information within the results.

I have since focused in on the Hygiene and Cleanliness side of OCD, in particular compulsive hand washing.

Other things i have looked into...Theory of abjection, When does normal stop and ocd start? Ocd and animals, Ocd and genetics, Famous people with ocd, History of public health, Colour symbology and association with products, Products for ocd sufferers.

04 November 2007

Video of OCD

OCD portrayed as a man in a tutu...Interesting?