
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions" - (Wikipedia, 2007)

20 January 2008

OCD Charts - Diaries

Found this little bit on keeping an ocd diary. Quite a good method, though not quite sure it would be so effective. But its interesting that "seeing" your ocd in front of you on paper, by numbers or colours could be an aid!

I shall look into this further!

"Keeping an OCD diary

One of the ways to start fighting back is to measure how

much OCD is interfering in your life. You can do this by
keeping a diary, for example noting down each time
OCD makes you wash your hands. Once you know how
`big' your OCD is, you can start cutting back.

Example of a diary form:

OCD loves to keep you busy doing all the things

it wants you to do. Use this table to keep a record of
how many times you do things for OCD."

Task/Activity: handwashing

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