
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric anxiety disorder most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or "rituals") which attempt to neutralize the obsessions" - (Wikipedia, 2007)

24 June 2008


The above link takes you to Blurb which is the
platform i wrote my book on. It takes you
through the whole of my project.


Anonymous said...

hey there :) what a thoughtful and interesting project. So creative!

Anywho, I was just curious, are you ocd yourself? I'm guessing no, but if yes which types?

(oh and by the by, I came across your site randomly from typing 'ocd' and 'symmetry' into google)

:) A

Anonymous said...

I think its entertaining unless you actually have any knowledge of OCD. You could make an 'anorexics starter kit' complete with breathmints, scale, and toilet cleaner - not cool. You seem to be artistic enough - I would find something with a little meaning rather than just exploiting a serious disorder in typical pop culture fashion. As a lifetime sufferer of OCD I can tell you there is nothing cutesy-crafty about it.